bustools 0.10.0

Interacting with the kallisto/bus format of scRNAseq data


Rust library to interact with the kallisto/bus format of scRNAseq data (see bustools). At this point, it's far from complete and correct, but rather a project to learn rust.

There's also a CLI mimicking bustools, see bustools_cli


For more examples, see the rust-docs.

Iterating a bus file

use bustools::io::{BusReader};
let bus = BusReader::new("/tmp/some.bus");
for record in bus {
    // record.CB, record.UMI ...

Iterating a bus file by cell

use bustools::io::BusReader;
use bustools::iterators::CellGroupIterator; //need to bring that trait into scope

let breader = BusReader::new("/path/to/some.bus");
for (cb, vector_of_records) in breader.groupby_cb() {
    // Example: the number of records in that cell
    let n_molecules: usize = vector_of_records.len();


  • consolidate bus_multi and merger